Monday, August 31, 2009

New Titles List Virtual Book Shelf

I've been able to leverage the amazing work that Jon Gorman (University of Illinois - Library - Help Desk) has put in on updating the New Titles program and that the Office of Web Services (University of Illinois - Public Affairs) has done with the Web Services Toolbox (access restricted to University of Illinois - sorry ;) to produce an automated, one-book-at-a-time view of New Titles. Putting the two together is perhaps the best match since peanut butter met chocolate. Below is an example of what this tool does. Bear in mind this example is purposefully restricted to a collection with a limited number of new titles; you can potentially have hundreds of titles show up here. Also, the Office of Web Services is (probably :) going to be adding a feature that will allow you to randomize the order the books are displayed (right now they display in the order the are listed in the RSS New Titles Feed). You can get the complete details on how to set this up on the How to make a New Titles Virtual Bookshelf Slideshow. For general help using the New Title program, see Help for New Titles @ the University Library.

Library and Information Science, New Titles This Month RSS